Spartica Australia is a company that specialises in counter terrorism protective security for both large and small businesses that own, and or operate critical infrastructure, crowded place facilities and public events.

Built on the substantial knowledge and experience of its managing director, Mr John Kelly, former Senior Protective Security Advisor and Coordinator of the Terrorism Protections Unit, NSW Police Force Counter Terrorism Command. ‘Spartica Australia’ offers contemporary world class protective security services that focus on the core elements of protecting, preparing, responding and recovering from the risk of terrorism and or general crime across four key service areas;

(1) Protective Security Assessments and Plans - Focusing on the three domains (physical, human and technology) with the aim to deter, detect & delay security incidents – initial consultative assessment at no cost.

(2) Protective Security Desktop Exercises - Interactive desk top group exercises (scenario based) designed to examine the tasks and business procedures in response to a security threat or assessment.

(3) Protective Security Presentations - Tailored presentations for your organisation to build staff awareness of potential security threats and appropriate options to manage threats/risks.

(4) Hostile Vehicle Threat Mitigation workshop

a. 1 x day Hostile Vehicle Threat & Mitigation Awareness.

b. 2 x day Hostile Vehicle Threat Analysis & Mitigation workshop. (The only such workshop available in Australia).