Security Planning & Exercising

Protecting your business/event through the strategies of Prevention, Planning, Response and Recovery.

The following security planning and exercise services are offered by ‘Spartica Australia’ to assist with developing a security strategy for your business.

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  1. Business Security PlanS

Suitable for all businesses:

Integrating the findings from the protective security assessment, the security plan provides a framework for your business to manage security incidents within the workplace.

Outlines roles and responsibilities within your management structure for responding to and recovering from emergency and threat situations.

Incorporates the development of Standard Operating Procedures for dealing with specific potential threats including terrorism and/or general crime ie. violent customer, robbery, active armed offender, bomb threat.

Threat escalation planning to assess potential threats and scalable solutions to manage these risks.

For more information including a quote to meet your budget requirements Contact Spartica Australia.

2. DISCUSSION Exercises

Suitable for middle/senior management of organisations that own and or operate critical infrastructure, crowded place facilities and/or involved in organising large public events:

Interactive exercises for senior and or middle management working through relevant scenarios to your business which both highlight and resolve potential risk events.

Terrorism related scenarios are explored and analysed to develop staff awareness and readiness to respond appropriately to such events for example;

  • Suspicious behaviour

  • Active armed offender

  • Bomb/ Improvised Explosive Device (IED) threat

  • Vehicle ramming / Hostile Vehicle

  • Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) threats

Discussion Exercises can be designed to meet your business needs.

Unlimited attendance numbers.

From $1500 (2019 prices)

Contact Spartica Australia for more information

Image taken during research into the effects of an explosion from a vehicle borne explosive device (VBIED).

Image taken during research into the effects of an explosion from a vehicle borne explosive device (VBIED).


3. Protective security presentations

Suitable for all staff from organisations that own and or operate critical infrastructure, crowded place facilities and/or involved in organising large public events:

Tailored presentations for your organisation to build employee awareness of potential threats and appropriate management options that can reduce these threats.

Based on real case studies (ie. London Bridge active armed offender, Manchester Arena terror attack, Nice truck attack, Martin Place Siege), these presentations focus on ‘lessons learnt’ and what your organisation can glean from these events for preparedness and prevention into the future.

Unlimited attendance numbers.

Presentations can be designed to cater for your identified business needs.

Costs from $300.

Contact Spartica Australia for more information



The insider threat of an employee exploiting their legitimate access to an organisation’s physical facilities, and / or sensitive information for malicious purposes continues to be a significant challenge for many organisations globally.

Also known as ‘personal security awareness’, this training is designed for managers and explores the following topics;

  • the benefits of fostering a strong security culture within an organisation

  • examination of typical motivations that drives the insider threat

  • building awareness of the threats posed by the use of social engineering

  • focus on developing a robust pre-employment screening, induction programmes and exits procedures

  • Recognising workplace behaviours indicative of possible insider activity

  • awareness of organisational factors that inadvertently cultivate insider threats

  • conducting risk assessments for insider threats

  • real case studies that demonstrate the above topics in practice.

The training can be tailored to supplement your existing policies and procedures.